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The Four Most Common Mistakes in Digital Advertising: Mistake #4 – Trying to Tell Your Whole Story

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Ever ask someone a simple “Hey, how’s it going?”, and then have to politely stand there for what feels like 20 minutes while they painstakingly recount all 50 of their most recent life dramas, like you’re their therapist?  Yeah. Awkward. So why would you do the exact same...

The Four Most Common Mistakes in Digital Advertising: Mistake #3 – Thinking More Is More

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Less IS more. Seriously. And we’re not talking about the benefits of eating less of your favorite junk food, or having fewer chores to do in a day. We’re talking about how Less Is More in digital advertising. Not believing this to be true is ONE OF FOUR MOST COMMON...

The Four Most Common Mistakes in Digital Advertising: Mistake #2 – Dismissing the Power of Graphics

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We bet we know what your favorite thing in the world is. Seriously. We do. In fact, think about it right now. Is it your kids? Your significant other? Your pet? Perhaps your car, or motorcycle? Maybe a well-worn, favorite old shirt that is awesome to lounge around in on a...

The Four Most Common Mistakes in Digital Advertising: Mistake #1 – It’s Not About You

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If you’re like any professional who’s trying to grow their business, you probably spend a lot of time educating your prospects on why your business is clearly a better choice than others, right? But … exactly how are you telling people this? If you make the first of...