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How SavvyCard & Referral Marketing Work Hand-in-Hand

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Think about how often this happens to you: You’re at a social event and are introduced to another person by someone you mutually know. This person finds out what you do and says, “Oh hey, I need your service,” or “Oh hey, I need your product.” You hand them your business card and...

Getting Referrals from SavvyCard: Tampa Realtor Randy Heffernan

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Back in September, we had a big rollout for our realty product and its special features to the MIAMI® Association of REALTORS®.  But even before that, people in referral-dependent businesses were figuring out how much SavvyCard could help them. One of our early adopters was Randy...

SavvyCard and the Miami Association of Realtors – It Turns Out, We’re Not Crazy.

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Last week was big for SavvyCard.   We’ve been working days, nights, and weekends to prepare for the rollout of specially tailored SavvyCard functions to members of the MIAMI Association of Realtors.  On Thursday and Friday we trekked down to the Realtors’ MORE Conference to help...