SavvyCard®’s platform is designed to automate mass deployment of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) using inputs from large data sets.
For example, the SavvyCard for Real Estate™ product includes automatically generated web applications for individual real estate agents, for each of the agent’s property listings and for each of the homeowners who buys a property from the agent. There are approximately 1.3M REALTORS® , 5M – 6M annual home transactions and 120M households in the United States. Deploying the SavvyCard for Real Estate product from the bottom up (selling individual agents and deploying apps for their listings and homeowner customers one at a time) would be time and cost prohibitive.
Instead, SavvyCard contracts with multiple listing services (MLSs) and real estate associations to mass deploy web applications for entire markets from the top down. Using an MLS data feed, SavvyCard has deployed web applications for 170,000 real estate agents across 33 real estate associations in Florida, California, North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado. For 103,000 of these agents, SavvyCard has automatically created over 300,000 PWAs for home listings as they are placed on the MLS. In 2020, SavvyCard expects to use MLS data to automatically create PWAs for millions of homeowners in these markets.
created from MLS data sets for entire markets.
Agent SavvyCards™ are used by agents to capture leads from prospects through direct networking, social media posts and digital marketing. An agent might replace using physical business cards (which capture no data and put the prospect in control of follow up) with SavvyCard’s Share & Text™ process, which captures the prospect’s mobile number and gets the agent permission to follow up by text message, a strategy that is over 110% more effective at converting prospects to customers than follow up by email or phone call.
Property SavvyCards™ are used by agents to generate visibility and capture leads through direct shares (email, text & messaging clients) and social media (particularly Facebook). Property SavvyCards have several built in marketing tools such as SellerShare™ a system which promotes new listings and captures high quality inbound leads through the social sphere of influence of the home seller.
HomeOwner SavvyCards™ will allow agents to stay top-of-mind with current and past customers by providing them with a personalized PWA that enables the homeowner to manage their household using data and tools provided through the Real Estate industry.
For Real Estate agents and brokerages that have adopted the SavvyCard system as a part of their ongoing sales & marketing processes, SavvyCard for Real Estate has compiled an 40+ Net Promoter Score and generated a meaningful increase in ROI for digital marketing activities.
This mass deployment strategy has created several benefits for SavvyCard’s organizational customers;
- Reduced cost and time to market for digital marketing assets using progressive web apps.
- Enabled sales & marketing training programs that are relevant and valuable to every agent in the market.
- Improved communication with agents and consumers.
- Created user experience that is consistent for every consumer in the market.
- Enabled delivery of new tools and content to every agent / end-user in near real time.
- Enhanced legal / organizational compliance regarding marketing practices / use of consumer data.
SavvyCard’s ability to mass deploy PWAs for every sales agent, product, business event or end-consumer using large data sets enables enterprise organizations to rapidly and inexpensively transform their digital sales, marketing and operational business processes.
For more information, contact SavvyCard’s sales partners:
- Residential Real Estate – CoreLogic
- Financial & Health Services – IBM Global Services
- All other inquiries – SavvyCard Sales