
Three Ways to Increase Mobile Engagement with Your SavvyCard


Stay on your Customers’ Minds, and At Their Fingertips

With the rise of social media and connected mobile devices, brands and companies are more focused than ever on reaching customers wherever they are. The goal is engagement – encouraging people to get to know you and stay in touch. SavvyCard lets your clients learn more about you and keep in touch anytime they need you.

Here are three ways SavvyCard can keep customers thinking about you, even when you’re not there.

1. Be Responsive. Be Timely.

This one’s obvious, but it bears repeating. SavvyCard’s greatest strength is that it makes it easy for others to keep in touch with you on a direct, personal level. But that only works when you’re putting time into keeping in touch with people, so be sure important texts, calls, and emails get consistent, focused attention.

2. Keep customers engaged with your Listings Button, and easily update it.

To keep customers engaged with any resource, it has to be useful and interesting.  If you’re one of our Realtor members, you have a secret weapon for engagement – show customers that your SavvyCard contains a free mobile MLS search, and they’re sure to return to it again and again – and call you when they find something they like.

Also, remember that you can feature favorite individual properties with stand-alone Property Cards, which show up under your Listings button, like this:

Property Cards for Realtors allow you to feature individual properties of your choice when a customer is searching for properties from your SavvyCard.


3. Make your card – and yourself – a valued and trusted resource.

Your SavvyCard offers several opportunities to share important information with your customers. Your Savvy button is a place to link to new blog posts or publications, your My Sites button lets users access any of your web destinations, and your Recommend button gives users access to people you endorse.

By filling out the Recommend, My Sites and Savvy buttons on your card, you are able to easily refer business to your trusted partners or serve additional content to your customers.

Keep these resources up to date and useful, and your customers will come back to your SavvyCard again and again, whether to search, browse, or, sooner or later, give you a call.


The SavvyCard Team