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SavvyCard® for Real Estate provides REALTORS® with a suite of tools for engaging and converting prospects, and improving their service to customers.

Triad MLS renews SavvyCard® for Real Estate member benefit

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"SavvyCard for Real Estate is being used by more than 40% of our subscribers. Signing a new contract with SavvyCard was an easy decision based on the high engagement with this digital tool." — Richard B. Renton, Jr., Triad MLS CEO

REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee launches RE-Target™ to advance member engagement and grow revenue

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Saint Petersburg, FL – September 29, 2021 – REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee (RASM), representing 8,000 members in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Florida has launched RE-Target™ by SavvyCard® to improve communications, increase member engagement and grow non-dues...
Re-Target Main Image

Pinellas REALTOR® Organization and SavvyCard® announce RE-Target to solve industry-wide member communications problem.

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"RE-Target™ improves member communications by delivering relevant content at the right time, to the right audience based on their anticipated needs ..."